Love's Baby Soft by Dana dates back to 1974! Notes are powdery florals and wood. This one I was never particularly in love with, as I don't care for baby powder scented anything, but it still brings me back to the late 80's when I wore it. My parents bought me my own bottle (the pink one) from Pathmark grocery store.

Exlamation by Coty from 1988, notes: amazon lily, orange flower, jasmine, bergamot and musk, patchouli & amber. Makes me think of rummaging through my mom's purse so I can put it on and smell just like her! I remember she eventually bought me my own which I delightfully toted with me in my "pocketbook."

Eternity by Calvin Klein from 1988, notes:
mandarin, freesia, sage, narcissus, lily of the valley, marigold, white lily, jasmine, rose, sandalwood, patchouli, amber and musk. Among other locations, it brings me back to the Worlds Fair Ice Rink in Flushing Meadow Park, where I first smelled it one a lady and asked her what it was. Eternity + the smell of the ice rink, at the age of 11, sweet times.
Ombre Rose by John Charles Brosseau from 1981, notes: rosewood, geranium, honey, vanilla, rose, cedarwood and musk. I always had to wear perfume, no matter where I went. Routine trips to the park to play on the swings? Yes, this was worn behind my ears and inside of my wrists, playtime didn't have the same effect had I not had a lovely scent to set the mood! :)

Must not forget Debbie Gibson's Electric Youth!!! That was my signature scent as a 7 year old! hahahaha
I just stole your image of Exclamation and linked to my blog. I had forgotten about Love's Baby Soft - thank you for the reminder!
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