Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hello Kitty!

My first job ever was when I was 15 in a children's general store, that sold mostly Sanrio products, called Rainbow Station. I adored every moment of it, the thought that I was "grown up" and had a blossoming baby career, believing I had a positive impact on people's lives when I helped them select the perfect gift for their kids, grandkids, and so on, opening boxes of shipment and gleefully stocking the shelves to perfection! One of my other favorite aspects was the smell inside the store. I was ravaged with excitement when I stepped foot in there to begin my shift and smelled the plastic products and saw their glistening shine under the bright track lights! One product that I told myself I would never grow out of was their mini wallets that only allow a few coins, dollars and your ID to occupy due to such lack of space. Therefore, a few months ago I bought one of those cutesy pie wallets and it brought me back to my teens! Love that nostalgic feeling.

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